Better the devil you know

A nontraditional Xaela who is Khan of his equally nontraditional tribe. He doesn't claim any one particular place as home but acknowledges, frequently, that the Steppe is no longer his. A quiet, stern warrior who grew to have a devil-may-care attitude; quick wit, sarcasm, and snide comments abound. With a flash of a grin full of pointed teeth, he may ask a favor for a favor, but deals with devils are very rarely a good thing.

  • Hair: Dark hair generally kept with some length to it. Whether or not it’s tied back seems to vary from day to day.

  • Eyes: Grey to Blue

  • Height: Exactly 7 Fulms

  • Scales: Appear black at first glance but certain light will reveal a silver sheen.

  • Distinguishing Marks: A pair of extra horns protrude from the top of his forehead, the flash of a grin will reveal a mouth full of sharp teeth, and his left arm is a magitek prosthetic. Scars completely cover his body however, his face seems to have, mostly, avoided the same fate, save for a horizontal scar across his left cheek.

  • Common Accessories: He will never be seen without a pair of necklaces around his neck, one with a silver medallion and the other a crystal, and a copper bracer on his wrist, etched with a sun and a topaz sitting in its center.


  • Character Name: Akhutai of the Urit

  • Age: It’s Complicated

  • Birthday: 13th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon

  • Race: Au Ra Xaela

  • Gender: Male

  • Sexuality: Demisexual

  • Romantic Status: Married, Polyamorous

  • Alignment: Lawful Evil

Profession: Publicly, he counts himself among the numbers of the paramilitary organization known as the Riskbreakers and works as a host for Le Renard Argenté. He also owns a small workshop that seems to take all sorts of custom orders for the right price though he will tell you that he specializes in weaponry.
Hobbies: Exploration and tinkering are chief among his hobbies. Though he does his best to increase his martial prowess and also learn anything that may be of interest to him, such as information on new tech or various languages. Or the history of the world. Really, he will read just about anything if there’s the promise of new information he hasn’t acquired yet.
Residence: There are several places he can be found but he doesn’t call any one physical place his home.
Religion: He doesn’t believe in any Gods and subscribes to no religion.
Fears: His fears are many and few. Only the privileged will ever know what they are.

RP Hooks
(these are just ideas, I'm willing to roll with just about anything)

Aethersense: Akhutai's aether is exceedingly dense. Noticably more than the average person's.
The Fixer: Akhutai is a fixer in all but name. You just need to say the right things and ask the right questions and offer the right price.
Adventure: Akhutai is incapable of sitting still and you might end up running into him lurking around any corner around the world doing anything from seeking supplies for a new project to studying old ruins.
Magitek Workshop: Akhutai's workshop is located within Ul'dah. He specializes in creative weaponry but will be willing to take on any project, especially one that sounds like a challenge.
Void-touched: It isn't immediately obvious, but there are hints of void corruption in Akhutai's aether. It doesn't seem to affect him and, in fact, seems to fade out after a time, but the consistency might be concerning to some.
The Familiar: Sometimes a small creature might be following Akhutai. It uses his aether to cloak itself, but sharp enough sense may note it is entirely of the void.
The Black Dog of Ishgard: There are whispers on the wind of the presence of a certain Xaela being an ill omen. But those are probably just old rumors born from an old fear.

OOC Information

  • I'm a queer and disabled transman. It isn't as though I bring this up often but I will definitely want RP spaces that are accepting towards such things.

  • I enjoy most forms of RP but I do have certain limits such as no SA or non-con in general.

  • Akhutai is difficult to romance and get into bed. I won't dissuade the attempt but prepare for disappointment. That being said, he absolutely will not sleep with anyone unless there is a relationship present.

  • I very much play Akhutai in the grey areas of lore. It is not completely necessary to be as lore flexible as I am when it comes to RP partners as I tend to avoid discussing certain matters in the beginning, however if long term RP is wanted, being able to at least accept the grey stuff will become a necessity.

Discord: samtheulfr